Soylent Green

Below you will find written and video materials to supplement your experience with this film. Be aware that some essays and video essays may contain spoilers.

Critical Essays

Soylent Green 1973 (AFI Catalog of Feature Films)

Soylent Green Movie Review (Roger Ebert)

Why Soylent Green is More Relevant Now Than Ever (Den of Geek)

Soylent Green 1973 (Pop History Dig)

Before MAD MAX: Post Apocalyptic Film “Soylent Green” (Heavy Metal)

Contextual Reading

Soylent Green is People: Interview with Dr. Andrew Bell

Malthus at the Movies: Science, Cinema, and Activism around Z.P.G. and Soylent Green

Earth Day at 50: Why the legacy of the 1970s environmental movement is in jeopardy

Standing Ovation: Edward G. Robinson in ‘Soylent Green’


Mildred Pierce

Below you will find written and video materials to supplement your experience with this film. Be aware that some essays and video essays may contain spoilers.

Critical Essays

Filmsite Movie Review: Mildred Pierce (Filmsite)

‘Mildred Pierce’: One of the Greatest Hollywood Comeback Stories (Cinephilia & Beyond)

Mildred Pierce (1945) Review (Little White Lies)

Mildred Pierce and Women in Film (American Quarterly)

Todd Haynes’s “Mildred Pierce”: A Discussion (Film Quarterly)

Contextual Reading

Film Noir: Five Part Summary

The Feminine Grotesque: On the Warped Legacy of Joan Crawford

Memorable Mother Figures in Film

The Essentials: 5 of Michael Curtiz’ Greatest Films



Below you will find written and video materials to supplement your experience with this film. Be aware that some essays and video essays may contain spoilers.

Critical Essays

Gattaca (Roger Ebert Online)

The Next Bigotry: Privilege by Genetic Perfection (New York Times)

The New Eugenics in Cinema: Genetic Determinism and Gene Therapy in GATTACA (Science Fiction Studies)

Look of the Week: The sleek futuristic minimalism of Gattaca (

‘Gattaca’ Remains an Emotional, Complicated Story About Discrimination (Collider)

Contextual Reading

Gattaca, A Review: Defying Nature through Scientific Breakthroughs

Gattaca (1997) (The Embryo Project Encyclopedia)

What are the Ethical Concerns of Genome Editing?

Is Gene Editing Ethical? It Depends

Gattaca and the Law of Designer Babies

Benefits & Risks of Biotechnology


Sound of Metal

Below you will find written and video materials to supplement your experience with this film. Be aware that some essays and video essays may contain spoilers.

Critical Essays

Oscar-Worthy ‘Sound of Metal’ Is a ‘Wake-Up’ to Deaf Culture (Variety)

What Hearing Loss Feels Like in ‘Sound of Metal’ (New York Times)

The Brilliant Sound Design of ‘Sound of Metal’ (Film School Rejects)

‘Sound of Metal’ is a Work of Surpassing Sensitivity (Decider)

Director Darius Marder Shot on 35mm Because It’s “My Goddamn Movie” (Slash)

‘Sound of Metal’ Star Riz Ahmed Went All in, from AA to ASL (IndieWire)

Contextual Reading

What is Deaf Culture?

Why Some People Turned Down a ‘Miracle Cure’

The Riz Test: How Muslims Are Misrepresented in TV and Film

#DeafTalent, getting better representation on the big screen



Below you will find written and video materials to supplement your experience with this film. Be aware that some essays and video essays may contain spoilers.

Critical Essays

An Audience for Free Spirits in a Closed Society (NYT)

A Courageous Voice from Central Europe (East European Film Bulletin)

Perfect Chaos: Vera Chytilova’s Sedmikrasky (Daisies) (Art Forum)

Food and Female Desire Gone Bad in Vera Chytilova’s ‘Daisies’ (Screen Queens)

Stuffed: Dining with ‘Daisies’ (Bright Wall / Dark Room)

This Film’s Going Bad: Collaborative Cutting in ‘Daisies’ (Senses of Cinema)

Contextual Reading

Czechoslovak New Wave

Czech Surrealism and Czech New Wave Realism: The Importance of Objects

Remembering 1948 and 1968: Reflections on Two Pivotal Years in Czech and Slovak History

The Prague Spring: Dubcek, The Media, and Mass Demoralization


The Trouble With Angels

Below you will find written and video materials to supplement your experience with this film. Be aware that some essays and video essays may contain spoilers.

Critical Essays

Mother of All of Us: Ida Lupino, The Filmaker (Cinema Scope)

How Ida Lupino lit a path for women directors and indie filmmakers alike (BFI)

The Female Gaze in Ida Lupino’s ‘The Trouble with Angels’ (Indiana University)

Rediscovering the Films of Ida Lupino in the #Metoo Era (Columbia University)

Contextual Reading

The History of Film: The 1960s

Hollywood Heroines: Ida Lupino and Penny Marshall were pioneers behind the camera

Dearth of women in classic Hollywood was result of studio system, study finds

Key Events of United States Feminism During the 1960s


La Haine (Hate)

Below you will find written and video materials to supplement your experience with this film. Be aware that essays and video essays are likely to contain spoilers.

Critical Essays

La Haine and After: Arts, Politics, and the Banlieue (Criterion)

5 Reasons Why La Haine Is A Modern Masterpiece of French Cinema (Taste of Cinema)

View of La Haine: Framing the ‘Urban Outcasts’ (

Contextual Reading

Rebels with a Cause: (Re)defining Identities and Culture in Contemporary French Cinema

Exploring the Banlieue (

Beurs in the Hood: Coming of Age in the Banlieue (

Sounds of the banlieue | The Wider Image | Reuters


BFI at Home | La Haine Q&A with director Mathieu Kassovitz
The Making of a Scene on La Haine
La Haine – The reflection of a fallen society