Below you will find written and video materials to supplement your experience with this film. Be aware that some essays and video essays may contain spoilers.
Critical Essays
Gattaca (Roger Ebert Online)
The Next Bigotry: Privilege by Genetic Perfection (New York Times)
The New Eugenics in Cinema: Genetic Determinism and Gene Therapy in GATTACA (Science Fiction Studies)
Look of the Week: The sleek futuristic minimalism of Gattaca (
‘Gattaca’ Remains an Emotional, Complicated Story About Discrimination (Collider)
Contextual Reading
Gattaca, A Review: Defying Nature through Scientific Breakthroughs
Gattaca (1997) (The Embryo Project Encyclopedia)
What are the Ethical Concerns of Genome Editing?
Is Gene Editing Ethical? It Depends
Gattaca and the Law of Designer Babies
Benefits & Risks of Biotechnology